Which web browser to use to run the CleverFarm application?

Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer - this is a list of some of the most frequently used browsers. Does it matter which one do I use?

There are many web browsers on the current market. Some computers and their operating systems even come with pre-installed browsers, so sometimes it doesn't even occur to us that there might be a difference among them. Unfortunately, there are differences not only between browsers but also between their individual versions. Web applications will be displayed differently in Google Chrome and Safari, and you will also find significant differences between Internet Explorer 8 and 11.

Maintaining a web application compatible with all types of web browsers and their individual versions is a very challenging discipline. Because we want to provide our users with the best and, if possible, seamless experience when using the application, we pay attention to fine-tuning the code and adhering to standards.

Some browsers adhere to standards more than others. For this reason, we strongly recommend running the CleverFarm application in Google Chrome. While the application will work in other browsers, you may occasionally encounter minor issues, especially when transitioning to a new version, which could present some inconvenience whilst using the application. 

As a second option, you can use Safari or Firefox, but we guarantee smooth operation for Google Chrome.